If new firmware becomes available for the Septentrio Receiver, RxControl can be used as an upgrading tool. This is done by choosing Tools | Upgrade Receiver menu option or the Upgrade Receiver option in the connection dialog which pops up at start-up.
After the upgrade option is chosen, the connection to the receiver will be closed and all windows of RxControl will stop functioning. If new firmware becomes available for the Septentrio Receiver, RxControl can be used as an upgradingtool. This is done by choosing Tools | Upgrade Receiver menu option or the UpgradeReceiver option in the connection dialog (see Figure 4-1 on page 14) which pops up at start-up.After the upgrade option is chosen, the connection to the receiver will be closed and all windows ofRxControl will stop functioning.
A wizard will be shown that guides you through the upgrade process. It allows you to select the PC’s port that should be used for the upgrade and the file containing the new receiver firmware.
>>> Choose COM2 for the upgrade <<<
Once the actual upgrade is in progress a progress bar monitors the progress. Some serial port emulation drivers don’t provide correct progress information, causing the progress bar to complete before the upgrade is completed. A receiver upgrade can take up to several minutes so please leave the tool untouched until it finishes its process. Once the upgrade is done, the receiver is rebooted and will resume normal operation. In case of a failure an error dialog with the failure message will be shown.
After upgrading the user gets the Change Connection dialog to reconnect to the receiver.
>>> You have to re-configure the AsteRx GPS receiver in SBGuidance Configurator after upgrading!! <<<