Category Archives: Updates

SBGuidance 3.3.3

Today we release an update in the SBGuidance 3.3 branch.

Due to some incompatibility issues with older version, we decided to remove the NTRIP account encryption. We also decreased the NTRIP initialisation time when using the internet connection of the terminal.  This update also contains the connection details for the new WALCORS service. Customers who already use the WALCORS service also need to obtain a new account. Finally this version supports the new inclino sensor for motion detection. The complete changelog can be read on the SBGuidance 3 page.

SBGuidance 3.3.3 can be downloaded from the SBGuidance 3 page (members-only).

SBGuidance 3.3.2

Today we release a minor update for the SBGuidance 3.3 application. Due to the upgrade of the FLEPOS network we had to update the connection details for NTRIP provider. We also added the new MoveRTK network (The Netherlands) and added some minor improvements. This release only affects customers who use the 2G/3G internet connection on their terminal.

SBGuidance 3.3.2 can be downloaded from the SBGuidance 3 page (members-only).