SBGuidance Update Manager

SBGuidance Update Manager is an application that runs on the SBGuidance terminal. With this tool SBGuidance users can keep their applications up-to-date. The tool will scan the available software on the terminal and will determine if a newer version is available. SBGuidance users can use SBGuidance Live Update to load the latest SBGuidance software versions onto a memory stick.


disk SBGuidance Update Manager (6201 downloads )
disk SBGuidance Update Manager 4 (33529 downloads )
pdf SBGuidance Update Manager Snelstartgids (5566 downloads )
Frequently asked questions

SBGuidance Update Manager 4.0.19 (Jul. 24, 2015)

  • Compatible with SBGuidance 4 systems

SBGuidance Update Manager 0.7 (Jan. 19, 2012)

  • Bugfix: multiple instances of the same application could be visible

SBGuidance Update Manager 0.6 (Jan. 19, 2012)

  • Add support for Agrifac theme
  • Get language setting from SBGuidance Loader
  • Add possibility to upgrade/reinstall SBGuidance (Agrifac only)

SBGuidance Update Manager 0.5 (Aug. 8, 2011)

  • Add support for SBGuidance Loader installer
  • Add Russian language

SBGuidance Update Manager 0.4 (Oct 29, 2010)

  • In some cases a new version was not detected
  • Stability and Performance tweaks

SBGuidance Update Manager 0.3 (Oct 26, 2010)

  • Do not display version info when USB-drive is not connected
  • Error handling when settings.xml is missing
  • Ignore invalid installers
  • Change button text when language changed

SBGuidance Update Manager 0.2 (Oct 20, 2010)

  • Bugfix: Installation file

SBGuidance Update Manager 0.1 (Sept. 23, 2010)

  • Initial release
